
Thursday, 12 March 2009

Another Yambol Museum Statue

Another Yambol Museum StatueThere are quite a few statue outside the Yambol Regional Historic Museum. I thought that we should have a run of them one by one as they all portray very different characters and personalities. This one seems a wise old bird with a stance that provokes authority and gowns that enhance this particular sage.


  1. Martin nice photograph. I see you are getting spammed by travel&trips as well!

  2. We all got spammed by her! I had 22 emails when i got home last night and they were all her spamming my friends!

    I digress.

    I love this statue Martin. I don't know enough about the culture to word it properly, but it reminds me of those whirling dervishes and the orthodox people.

  3. I sent this idiot a message yesterday. Well more of a threat actually. Let's see if it works.

  4. I loved that statue when I was young- coz I was so small and he was sooo tall +2oocm!! Only I forgot who it is..... :(
