Saturday 31 October 2015

Yambol As Seen By Google

Well this is Yambol from a Google satellite perspective. Quite often I would look this up zoom into the town looking for landmarks and out home there.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Simple Treasures in Bulgaria - Out on Kindle October 1st!

Simple Treasures in Bulgaria - BOOK OUT NOW! Click here to Buy

Simple Treasures in Bulgaria - By Martin Miller-Yianni

Paperback: £11.95 - Download: £3.75

Most, if not all travel books about Bulgaria cover well-trodden tourist resorts and understandingly ignoring lesser-known parts of Bulgaria. These 'fortunate' neglected areas, where tourism hasn't affected, remain in my and many others' opinion the most treasured parts of Bulgaria. The writing contains a variety of titles ranging from an epitaph of a simple Bulgarian village farmer to a traditional Bulgarian recipe with a local twist; articles giving humorous moments to more serious issues that Bulgarians have to contend with. It is seen with a clear view of how Bulgarians live and work both in towns and villages remaining firmly family and community bound.

This is also available from October 1st in Kindle format!!!!

You can pre-order now!

Just click on this link:
Simple-Treasures In Bulgaria

Saturday 17 January 2015

Skalitsa Banitsa - In Yambol

The recipe has been around for a while and it tastes as good as it always did, even though made in Yambol not the village of Skalitsa. Each week they are made without fail as too much of a good thing is bad for you. If you want the recipe you will have to Google 'Skalitsa Banitsa', you don't have to buy the published recipe book '100 Simple Recipes From Bulgaria' or my previous publication 'Simple Treasures in Bulgaria' which also contain it. Load of other food sites have copied it by the way!!! Al this aside, yum! yum!

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