Saturday, 24 January 2009

Extended Rain Guttering - A Yambol Fashion

Extended Rain Guttering - A Yambol FashionI noticed these interesting extensions above some shops I was waiting outside today. This particular row of shops have a flat roof and the guttering that was put above it was designed in such a fashion to extend the excess water during rain to drain away from the shop front area. One you can see has rusted away and broken off, there are others that have done the same out of the picture further long. Good idea, but they never get replaced or repaired once dropped off.


  1. im not too sure where exactly this is-- do u mind telling me the location of those- i can usually recognise where the location is but im kinda stuck here :P:P lol

  2. Hi Nadia,

    This is the row of shops situated on the left of St Nikolai's Church as you face the entrance. The old Agfa Photgraphic shop and the old Global Offices is in this batch of shops. Hope this give you bearing.

    Thanks for you visit - I'll wati for your first post on your new blog.Let me know when it's there please. Chiao za sega

  3. oh yes, im a little better oriented now
    and yeah, no problem, i really registered just to be able to follow your blog, but now that you mentioned it, ive started to write little stuff about differences between ireland and bulgaria so i must put those up with a few pictures


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